The Internet is the world's largest database. We offer the technology and knowhow to help you find the information you need amongst trillions of available documents with our OSINT Technology. We collect and analyse information from online sources. We can help you collect better data for improved analysis, intelligence and insights. OSINT stands for Open Source Intelligence, and this means collecting information from openly available sources online. This includes data mining, various crawling techniques, data extraction, data washing and analysis. Open Source Intelligence, often abbreviated as OSINT, is data and information that is collected legally from open and publicly available resources. Obtaining the information doesn't require any type of clandestine effort and it is retrieved in a manner that is legal and meets copyright requirements. Then, the raw data and info are collected and then analyzed to help understand something more clearly. The OSINT framework supports decision making, assess public perceptions, forecast changes, and much more. More information about citizens’ lives is recorded than ever before. Because the data is digitized, it can be accessed, analyzed,shared, and combined with other information to generate new knowledge.


  • Social Media Listening
  • Fake News Monitoring
  • Brand Monitoring
  • Tracking Conversations
  • Tracking Fasttags
  • Tracking and fixing Negative comments
  • Influencer Research
  • Reviewing consumer engagement
  • Capturing feedback of people


  • Explore keywords/hashtags of interest
  • View user profiles & activity timelines
  • Reveal Twitter top trends & hashtag creator
  • Discover common contacts /friends of friends
  • People profiling
  • Identify viral messages
  • Identify top active WhatsApp groups and users
  • Analyze sentiments & extract entities of interest
  • Identify objects from images & video
  • Extract text from images
  • Identify transformed images
  • Integrate various dark web search engines
  • Monitor Dark Web URLs or keywords


  • Identify top active users of secured messaging apps
  • Identify users of secured communication channels such as VPN & TOR
  • View activity timelines of social media users
  • Reveal real identities of social media users
  • Identify events over social media
  • Identify Wi-Fi, DSL networks accessed by subscribers & other visitors
  • Analyse behaviour & detect potential threats from persons of interest
  • Discover applications, domains, devices & OS used

Social Media Data Mining

Data Mining

OSINT Analytics delivers leading edge technology for data mining. The web is the world’s largest database, and if the information is there, we can find it. Data are published in many forms, we offer technology to work with API's, web scraping, deep webcrawling, RSS/XML feeds, and documents such as Excel, Word or PDF documents.

Data Analytics

Analytics helps us make informed decisions, instead of guessing. In order to achieve that we must first have the right data, second, the right analytics technique. We separate analytics in three categories:

  • CLASSIFICATION: We often work with classification of text, either to classify documents to a content category, or to decide similarity of text.
  • SPECIAL SEMANTICS:Special semantics refers to various techniques enabling extraction of special elements in the text from a website. Examples of this includes the application deadline for a grant, wind speed and direction on a map, gps coordinates or similar.
  • INSIGHTS: Time series analysis and term frequency algorithms are two of the methods we apply to discover hidden patterns, correlations or other exiting insight in texts.