Mobile security index 2021

Cybersecurity is not a new issue, but the stakes are getting higher. The scale of regulatory penalties is growing, and customers—consumers, businesses and public-sector organizations alike—are becoming more sensitive to the issue. In the past, many consumers saw little difference between the security postures of the companies—such as banks and retailers—pursuing their business, and so it didn’t sway their loyalty. That’s changing, and consequently lots of companies are responding by making security and data privacy central to their value proposition.

For more than a decade, Verizon has published some of the preeminent reports on cybersecurity, including the Data Breach Investigations
Report (DBIR). This is the fourth edition of the Mobile Security Index. As the name suggests, it focuses on the threats to mobile devices; what
defenses companies have in place to thwart these attacks; and how often those fail, leading to a mobile-related compromise.

One of the key themes of the 2020 Mobile Security Index was mal-innovation. We talked about how cybercriminals were constantly finding new and often imaginative ways to carry out attacks. In another life, where their motives weren’t nefarious and the outcomes not so damaging to so many, the creativity and ingenuity shown by some of the attackers would merit fame and accolades.


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