August 25th, 2021 by Admin

A lot of enterprise networks are under attack or they already have been attacked by the adversaries. Red teamers or attackers tend to compromise the environments with new ways and rely on legitimate tools with sophisticated techniques based on their skill levels. On the other hand, the job of the blue teamers becomes more challenging and difficult as the attacker only needs to be successful once to gain access. (more…)

August 25th, 2021 by Admin

Adversaries are employing more sophisticated techniques to avoid traditional detection mechanisms. By providing deep behavioral analysis and by identifying shared code, malicious functionality or infrastructure, threats can be more effectively detected. In addition, an output of malware analysis is the extraction of IOCs.


August 25th, 2021 by Admin

The 15th edition of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report comes as long-mounting, interconnected risks are being felt. The global economy is faced with a “synchronized slowdown”, the past five years have been the warmest on record, and cyberattacks are expected to increase this year—all while citizens protest the political and economic conditions in their countries and voice concerns about systems that exacerbate inequality.


August 25th, 2021 by Admin

Cybersecurity is not a matter of spending more and more on defense, only to see attackers continue to breach barriers and systems. It has become clear that the stakes are even higher than that: Cybersecurity is the bedrock of tomorrow’s intelligent business. If companies are to succeed through the use of digital capabilities, to develop superior customer knowledge, unique insights and proprietary intellectual property—the hallmarks of an intelligent business—they will need a robust cybersecurity strategy to underpin it all.


August 25th, 2021 by Admin

Today’s cybersecurity environment brings attacks to the utility sector with increased frequency and sophistication – and many are struggling to adapt to the new normal. We can no longer treat cybersecurity as though attacks are rare, one-off events. Instead, utilities need to plan for resilience against the backdrop of constant siege. The best way to approach this new threat environment is to develop an incident response (IR) plan to better detect, contain and eliminate cyberattacks with minimal impact on operations.


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