September 22nd, 2021 by Admin

Earlier this summer, the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center published a new bipartisan report of Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data ( Fourteen months in the making, the bipartisan recommendations highlight that the technological revolution is advancing at such speed and enormity that it is reshaping both societies globally and the geopolitical landscape.

[ Source : Forbes ]

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September 22nd, 2021 by Admin

Police in Europe arrested 106 people accused of working for several Italian Mafia groups and laundering more than 10 million euros they made through various cybercrimes. On Monday, Europol, Italy’s Polizia di Stato, and Spain’s Policia Nacional announced a joint operation that resulted in the arrests of 106 people in the island of Tenerife, Spain. The cops accuse them of SIM swapping and “business email compromise,” a common crime where criminals send phishing emails to companies and trick employees into sending money to their bank accounts.

[ Source : VICE ]

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September 20th, 2021 by Admin

An AT&T customer, Jamarquis Etheridge, filed a lawsuit in the district court for the Southern District of Texas against AT&T Inc. and AT&T Mobility LLC Wednesday.

Etheridge, a resident of the U.S. state of Texas, has been a customer of AT&T since 2009. He claims to be a victim of “SIM swapping,” also known as “SIM hijacking.” SIM swapping is a common scam that AT&T is no stranger to. The company was involved in a bigger case involving this scam last year with crypto investor Michael Terpin.

[Source : News.bitcoin]

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September 20th, 2021 by Admin

Cybercriminals have been using Telegram for years, because it’s encrypted and easy to access. According to a recent investigation conducted by The Financial Times and cyber intelligence group Cyberint, though, there’s been “a 100 percent-plus rise in Telegram usage by cybercriminals” recently. And FT says the rise in criminal activity on the app came after users flocked to it following a change in WhatsApp’s privacy policy.

If you’ll recall, WhatsApp asked its users to accept a revised policy allowing it to share data with its parent company Facebook earlier this year. Users were outraged, and WhatsApp had to clarify that it still won’t be able to read their private communications. Even so, people migrated to rivals offering secure similar messaging capabilities — for Telegram, that has apparently led to a rise in criminal activity conducted through the app.

[ Source :  engadget ]

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September 17th, 2021 by Admin

Due to increasing cyber risks from remote working over the past year, most organizations have taken additional cybersecurity measures to protect their employees and infrastructures. Cybersecurity spending has indeed increased in the last 12 months as well with organizations looking towards securing remote worker devices and protecting the network.

However, the reality is, cybercriminals are still able to wreak havoc on organizations. Employees are still the weakest link today, just as they were before the pandemic saw a shift to remote work. Cybercriminals are also getting smarter in bypassing security protocols to target their victims.

[ Source : techwireasia ]

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