ntrustlabs is a cybersecurity consultancy and research company. We strive for real-world impact at scale. Our innovative security research and consulting for global companies and governments has a direct impact on people, processes, and technologies that will continue to underpin the security of billions of people’s digital lives every day for years to come.

With experts working in multiple countries, the network is able to address the difficult questions that cross the borders of traditional academic disciplines: what does ‘good’ cybersecurity look like, How can technology interact gracefully with messy current realities

Our research fits broadly within five mutually-supporting themes:
  • Secure systems and technology: research into how to build ‘good tech’ including cloud security, cryptography, trusted platforms, wireless security, mobile security and secure coding paradigms.
  • Verification and assurance: Two disciplines that help establish how much confidence you can have in a system.  Assurance focuses on managing risks related to the use, processing, storage, and transmission of information, whereas Formal Verification seeks to build a mathematical model of a digital system and then try to prove whether it is ‘correct’.
  • Operational risk and analytics: understanding the risk and harm resulting from cyberattack, and how it propagates across and between organisations.  Work focuses on creating situational awareness; metrics and models for security postures; and analytics for predicting risk, prioritising responses and supporting security operations.
  • Identity, behaviour and ethics: bringing diverse perspectives and interpretations to questions like: Who are you online, how do you communicate, and what can (or should) you do ?
  • National and international security and governance: looking at politics, international relations, defence, policy and governance issues: how do countries and communities interact with (and through) technology, and how might this change in different contexts.