Ransomware Risk Management on AWS Using the NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF)

Organizations have the responsibility to protect the data they hold and safeguard their systems. This can be challenging, as technology changes in size and complexity, and as resources and workforces become more limited. Organizations must remain vigilant, as outside parties may attempt to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data through ransomware.

Ransomware refers to a business model and a wide range of associated technologies that bad actors use to extort money. The bad actors use a range of tactics to gain unauthorized access to their victims’ data and systems, including exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities, taking advantage of weak or stolen credentials, and using social engineering. Access to the data and systems is restricted by the bad actors, and a ransom demand is made for the “safe return” of these digital assets.

There are several methods such actors use to restrict or eliminate legitimate access to resources, including encryption and deletion, modified access controls, and network-based denial of service attacks. In some cases, even after data access is restored, bad actors have demanded a “second ransom,” promising that its payment guarantees the deletion of victims’ sensitive data, instead of selling it or publicly releasing it.
Ransomware attacks are typically opportunistic in nature, targeting end users through emails, embedding malicious code within websites, or gaining access through unpatched systems. Ransomware can cost organizations a significant amount of resources in response and recovery, as well as impact their ability to operate.

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