Cyber Intelligence Research For Global Security

Establish a baseline of how the threat will be analyzed and perform the holistic threat assessment.

Technology to Prevent , Investigate and Stop Cybercrime

Researching, Developing and Implementing Technology

Helping Governments to Investigate and Mitigate CyberCrime

Protecting government organizations against a huge volume of attacks.

Your Darkweb, Cybercrime Monitoring and Mitigation Partner

Early intelligence enables early intervention

Our Approach


We will assess & define a customers security profile and
compliance policies


Industry specific protection services including IOT, AI / ML based
security services


Implement / Recommend products that are required and
appropriate for customer’s business and security profile


Provide Managed Security services including product
and compliance resources

What We Do?

Lawful Interception

Acquire, decode & analyse voice & IP communication

IP Datacentre Analyzer

Generate Intelligence from IP PCAP data: 20x better & faster

Intelligence System

Derive insights from social networks, surface & dark web

Artificial Intelligence

Connect the dots across disparate systems & datasets


Use Forensics tools to investigate and identify the problem

Country Wide IP Monitoring

Derive insights from encrypted data at a massive scale


Using AI and ML to connect the dots between many disparate systems.


Investigate Cybercrimes by working with Law Enforcement Officer.


Protect critical business information and data from ransomware